Numbers for Development Data Platform

Edgardo Demaestri
The availability of valid, comparable, and standardized public debt data is essential for the implementation of sound policies in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This is why at the core of the LAC Debt Group initiative is the development of a standardized sovereign debt database to help debt managers, policy makers, and other actors of financial markets analyze the evolution and composition of public debt in LAC and conduct cross-country comparisons. The information of the database is provided by the public debt offices of LAC countries in response to a questionnaire specifically designed to allow comparability of data. The questionnaire, whose response is non-compulsory, is intended to compile up-to-date standardized statistics for objective and homogeneous definitions of public debt. This update corresponds to the period: II Semester 2006 – II Semester 2015.<br><br><b>Click here to access the data:</b></br></br>
argentina, bahamas, barbados, belice, bolivia, brasil, chile, colombia, costa rica, república dominicana, ecuador, el salvador, guatemala, guyana, haití, honduras, jamaica, méxico, nicaragua, panamá, paraguay, perú, suriname, trinidad y tobago, uruguay y venezuela, deuda pública, salm, public debt
Current value: 0 out of 5
Data Provided By
Group of Latin American and the Caribbean Debt Management Specialists (LAC Debt Group). Executive Secretariat: Inter-American Development Bank. Connectivity, Markets and Finance Division
Attribution | Noncommercial | No Derivative Works 3.0 IGO
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