The OLAS LAPOP 2021 dataset provides information on water and sanitation access for 18 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. The dataset uses microdata from the 2021 wave of the AmericasBarometer project from Vanderbilt’s Latin America Public Opinion Project (AB-LAPOP).
The AB-LAPOP is a comparative survey that aims to create a temporal data set for the western hemisphere that includes a broad range of topics, produced by a standardized method and the use of a common core questionnaire which permit valid comparisons across countries and over time on topics. Technical information on the sampling methods and survey design can be access for each country surveyed on the LAPOP website. The OLAS LAPOP 2021 dataset focuses on water and sanitation access information, covering topics like type of water source used by households for different purposes, continuity of access, type of sanitation facility and whether households have exclusive access.
These data were supplied by the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University, which takes no responsibility for any interpretation of the data.