This dataset contains information on Programa Nacional Cuna Más (Cuna Mas, hereinafter), Peru’s largest early childhood development program established in 2012. It focuses on one of the two services provided by Cuna Mas known as Servicio de Acompanamiento a Familias (SAF), a home visiting program that operates in rural areas and provides one-hour weekly home visits to children aged 0-36 months and their caregiver.
The objective of the study was to compare different instruments to measure the quality of home visiting programs. Between August and October 2015, three instruments were administered to a sample of 554 children enrolled in Cuna Mas and receiving home visits at the time of data collection, and on their 176 home visitors who regularly work with 80 supervisors.
The following quality instruments were administered:
• Home Visit Rating Scale, version A+2 (HOVRS; Roggman et al. 2010)
• Home Visit Content and Characteristics Form (HVCCF; Boller et al. 2009)
• A supervisor checklist
The first two quality instruments are widely used among home visiting services in the United States. For each child in the sample, one home visit was filmed and the videos were later coded to create the scores, following the instruments’ manuals. The checklist, on the other hand, was designed based on record forms used by Cuna Mas and other home visiting programs in low- and middle- income countries, and was administered live during the visit by the home visitor’s supervisor.
The final, multilevel dataset includes:
• 554 visits with an identical number of distinct children
• 176 home visitors
• 80 supervisors •